Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Addendum to previous

This is a continuation to my last post on By His Wounds. Apparently my listening skills are being honed in well, because one of my devotions yesterday was on this exact verse from Isaiah 53:5. "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." In total understanding now that this message is directed clearly at me by my Savior, I delved a little deeper.

Why is He sending me this verse, and how can I apply it to my life? After thinking and praying about it, I discovered that I often times feel so unworthy of His love and sacrifice. I feel unworthy of His great sacrifice for little old me, not that I am a criminal or anything like that, but I do sin. I fall short daily and allow fear in, harbor resentment, am quick to anger at times, unable to control my tongue and speak gossip, turn to food as a source of comfort, fall prey to judgement. Even now, I want you to understand where I am coming from, agree with me, accept me for who I am, an unworthy sinner. But I know that doesn't come from you, because we all struggle with things and issues daily. We are human, and satan is trying his hardest to help us fail. We are all unworthy, and Jesus knew that when he was beaten and tortured. He knew that when He was made to carry His cross. He knew it when He was dying and said it is finished. He knew it, but He came, He died, and He rose again for us anyway!! Jesus loves every one of us. No one is beyond His redemption, healing, salvation and grace. He wants us to experience the depth of God's love through His nail scarred hands. Those same hands that comfort me when I am weak, they comfort you too. They comfort people in prison for heinous crimes, and they provide healing to drug addicts in their pain. I guess I am learning that we are all unworthy, but He loves us all the same. He deemed me worthy long before He put me here on this earth.
He was pierced for my transgressions, He was crushed for my iniquities. The punishment that brought me peace was upon Him, and by His wounds, I am healed. Thank You Jesus, my Savior!

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